Former Director Public Policy Google | RX Digital Regulation Represented Google, India at the Parliamentary Standing Committee Hearing on Competition in Digital Markets | Rx Digital Regulation Humane ClubMade in Humane Club
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Represented Google, India at the Parliamentary Standing Committee Hearing on Competition in Digital Markets

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As the Director and Head of Public Policy and Government Affairs Google, India I have advised Google on public policy matters in India, including competition, content regulation, privacy & data governance, cybersecurity, consumer protection, telecoms, and product-specific policies (Maps, Play Store, Search, News etc.)

I represented Google and deposed before the Parliamentary Standing Committee in a hearing on the subject of “Anti-competitive practices of Big Tech Companies” held on August 232022. The Commitee also heard Amazon India, Apple India, Facebook India, Netflix, India, Twitter India and Uber India. The report of the commitee is likely to form the basis for the yet to be tabled bill on a Digital Competition Act for India.
