Big Data-Competition & Consumer Protection Issues, Falling between Regulatory Stools? - Rx Digital Regulation Big Data-Competition & Consumer Protection Issues, Falling between Regulatory Stools? | Rx Digital Regulation Humane ClubMade in Humane Club
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Big Data-Competition & Consumer Protection Issues, Falling between Regulatory Stools?

Getting Regulation Right Blog Aspect

I recently gave a talk cum Presentation during the  Forum on Challenges in the digital environment 2018, organised by the Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones on November 7-8 in 2018, Mexico City. It can be viewed here.

This presentation draws attention to the competition and consumer protection issues (such as privacy and discriminatory pricing) arising from the exploitation of big data and the fact that many of the concerns appear to fall between regulatory stools in the sense of not being easy to fit into any particular regulatory mandate, be it the competition authority or the consumer/sector regulator or the data protection regulator.