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Financing Special Initiatives for Rural Connectivity Through Universal Service Obligation Fund in India

Jan 19, 2011

1 min read

Commonwealth Telecom Connecting Rural Communities, January 2011




The Universal Service Obligation Fund of India has to its credit a wide range of schemes that have brought connectivity to hitherto unserved or underserved rural areas. The pilot projects undertaken by USOF India fall in the category of special initiatives as their focus extends beyond mere rural connectivity. Rather, these projects facilitate its more effective use either per se (through provision of power or repair facilities) or for a variety of purposes such as financial inclusion, value added services and the empowerment of rural women through ICT etc. To carry out its Pilot Schemes, be they for renewable energy, gender empowerment or financial inclusion; USOF has reached out to various stakeholders. Through these schemes, USOF is in fact actualizing its stated vision of enabling rural Indians to achieve their fullest potential and participate productively in the development of the nation by virtue of being effectively connected through a reliable and ubiquitous telecommunications network, access to which is within their reach and within their means.

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